development work

As a bag manufacturer, we are often asked: "What do you do all day? Just sell?" Then we always say that we do that as well. And in fact, when you come to the tausche shop in Berlin, the chances are not bad that you will see one of us two founders. We are touchable and real, you can ask us anything and moan about us. We tolerate that. We are even happy if you are so interested in us that you present us your wishes and criticism yourself. Because these words and these criticisms flow into the development of new bags. Of course we optimize the successful bag models. Recently we had the »Tagediebin«, »Diplomatin«, »Nomadin« and »Schwerstarbeiterin« equipped with a padded outer pocket with a pull-out aid for smartphones and gave them an additional, transverse fleece strip, in order to make the fleece last longer. Read the blog article about it here.

In 2019, however, you can look forward to completely new models. Our very successful »Senatorin« is the model for a new bag family. A family with a softer shape and bag-like appearance. We have further developed the concept of the buckle-over closure. It is a very simple system that makes the bags absolutely waterproof at the same time. We turn over the upper part and hold it with the flap. The result is a special optical feature: the lid of the bag no longer covers the entire width of the bag, it is still a clear design point, but allows more bag to shine through.

We filled the inside of the bags with fabric. This enhances the soft appearance and also makes the dark bags light inside because we choose light lining fabrics.

We are repeatedly asked whether there is not a bimodel between the »Forscherin« and the »Tagediebin«. There is. From the end of January. Her name is »Komplizin« (accomplice) and it is an accomplice! It is a handbag that also fits DIN A4 when folded out. All bags have an additional zipper so that they are completely closed. The shoulder strap is narrow - so it always matches the colour of the bag. Antje has worn it for a long time. She is already completely in love with the »Komplizin«, you will be too. Promise!

swap accomplice


The »Senatorin« is great, but sometimes you want a greater backpack? Voilà – the »Präsidentin” is coming. Like the little sister, you can use it as a backpack and a bag for your clothes. She takes the middle flaps, is 35 cm wide, 40 to 52 cm high and maximum 17 cm deep. So you can certainly speak of a space miracle. The carrying straps are the wide soft belts you know from the »Athletin«. Here, too, our maxim was: keep it simple. We are sure you will never want to give away your new daily companion as a daypack, hand bag or travel bag again.

swap president


And because it's so beautiful, it goes right on: the »Komplizin« is great, but is there a bigger one? Yes, soon. She'll be called »Leistungsträgerin» and also keep what she promises. We will introduce her to you in mid-2019. At the latest.

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  • Schöne neue Reihe, bleiben die alten Formen erhalten?

    Liebes Team,
    eine schöne neue Reihe, bei ich mich sicherlich auch bedienen werde.
    Bleiben die alten Taschenformen mit ihren Verschlusssystemen denn weiterhin erhalten, oder werden sie ersetzt? Das fände ich dann nicht so toll.
    Besten Gruß,
    Guido Walter

  • Antwort auf Guidos Frage

    Lieber Guido,

    die "alten" Taschenmodelle bleiben alle erhalten. Wir erweitern die Familie.

    Heiko von tausche